Proud mother of 3 magical creatures, I'm on a mission to inspire them, and hopefully many others, to feel it's not only possible, but essential to make our dreams come true.
Mine is to share my "Fairy Tale Forest", adding sacredness and magic to everyday life, and the nourishing force of (re)connecting...with ourselves, others, and Nature.
Bringing togetherness for playing, healing and growing... in workshops, circles, celebrations, and ceremonies.
I've started shaping the place little by little since 13 years, and now, ready to take it to a next level, welcoming financial support for a big tipi...among other dream projects described beneath.

Going back to our roots, honoring life on this beautiful planet through simplicity, awareness and connection.
Being together around a Fire, to share... healthy foods, ideas & feelings, music, singing, dancing,
love & support.
Celebration & Ceremony
Celebrating the joy of being, any occasion is a good one! With magic and sacredness in ceremonies, to carry meaningful moments, and healing on our journeys.
Playing, co-creating and growing by sharing our unique colors, talents, arts, passion, wisdom, purpose,
& dreams.

My Dream Projects:
Considering weather conditions in Belgium, the big Tipi would serve as an indoor place, while still enjoying the presence of a fire.
Promoting simplicity and outdoor life, I would like to offer a basic "bathroom & kitchen", and a compost toilet.
But also an underground Sweatlodge, as a part of healing rituals.
In addition of a permaculture garden, creating awareness in healthy foods and sustainability, a greenhouse of recycled windows, and a herbal spiral to revive our ancestor's knowledge.
Including playtime for young and old, the zipline would be just perfect, and the "zen willow hut" allowing meditation, silence and cocooning.
And as they would fit in beautifully in the magical energy of WonderWood, an old gipsy wagon to host people from abroad.
Thank you for your interest and infinite gratitude for your support making all this happen! Please subcribe if you want to stay updated on the progress in WonderWood, and/or the unfolding events and activities.